

Well, I have learned much about me the past couple days and about these goals.

1. Getting 8 hours of sleep is hard. Nevertheless, it is still my goal.
2. Making eating an event is even harder, especially with working full-time and going to school full-time, but I have had some success.
3. The more I talk about this to others, the more support I have :) Turns out I have a brother and sister-in-law who are training for a triathlon. My brother keeps on following up. Its awesome.
4. I feel really guilty if someone bakes me something and I don't try it because of the sugar content. I will be a little more relaxed with that so I don't hurt anyone's feelings... I will take a small bite :)

Also, I have had some fun being healthy!

I am working out a new gym and enjoyed it today. Yay!

We'll see how this week goes.

1 comment:

  1. You go Deba!!! You are listening to your body and seeing the benefit. I am very happy for you and I know your body is too!!


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