
The Errand of Angels: Week 5 What a funny, crazy New Year!

Hello All!
Guess what?! December was our highest baptizing month in the mission! :) We had over 60, but I'm not sure exact number... either 61 or 67. Our mission goal is 78, which is totally within reach.
Guess what else?! The first week of December we beat our new investigator goal (goal was 180, we hit 183). New goal is 257. I'm so excited! That week my companion and I found 6 new investigators. We were so amazingly blessed! So awesome! I feel so humbled to be so blessed and to be part of such a great work!
We also found two new investigators last week, which is such a blessing. We participated in a mission-wide fast for gratitude for the baptisms. This helped us find another new investigator yesterday. We did some inspired tracting (i.e. knocking on doors) and felt like we should go to a specific neighborhood. We did. There was a certain house I had in mind. We started there and knocked. Was able to do a prayer with them, but not super interested. Next door. We knocked and a man answered. He was familiar with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He owned a copy of The Book of Mormon and had read out of it. He just didn't know how he could find out it was true. We set up a return appointment to explain that (read, ponder, pray, listen to the Holy Ghost). Such a blessing!!
And now for the funny story of the week. My companion and I just died laughing about this experience and love telling it to others who also get a kick out of it. We knocked on another door. The woman opened it and promptly invited us in (we had no chance to say who we were). Her mother came over and gave us a hug and invited us for some dessert. We still hadn't said a word and frankly were a little speechless (we could tell this was obviously a misunderstanding of some kind... unless they truly just LOVED the missionaries). Then the women looked at each other and looked at us they had a shocked look on their face (um, did we just invite two strangers into our house for dessert?). Both of them thought the other knew us. We said it we were there to leave the Savior's Peace and Blessings upon their homes (we kneel and pray for the family and their needs and invite the Holy Ghost to be in their home). They said we could still have dessert with them. So we had dessert (it was someone's birthday) and talked with them about being a missionary (they had lots of questions). We were able to leave their home with a prayer, which touched one of their hearts. Oh dear, it was too funny. And kind of awkward. But honestly a pretty good experience. Plus, loved the pie ;)
Speaking of pie... Our apt complex has a gym. The treadmill is old and EXTREMELY loud, but it does it job. My companion is loving working out with me and I am grateful for a treadmill so I can consistently push myself (she likes running and is working up to a 5k, yeah, that's from my influnce ;) but isn't super big into it like I am).
Speaking of blessings again, I have not had allergies my entire time here! Allegra has been working great and so has the blessings from Heavenly Father. This is especially saying something because almost every house we visit has a cat, dog or both. And amazingly, I have not gotten fleas yet... I am so grateful.
Speaking of bugs... I can't stand them!! We have bugs everywhere and I just want to kill them all! We are going to get some ant killer today. Everywhere. Lots of bugs. Everywhere. Everywhere. Ants, roaches, other squirmy things. Blek.
Speaking of people's homes... We had dinner at a wonderful member's home the other day... love the family! At the end of the dinner and our lesson (we were a couple minutes over the time we were supposed to be there and I was very aware of it). We heard a chomping sound from the dog... She had eaten part of my new mission shoes. Eaten. The mom was able to pull a chunk of the shoe out of the dog's mouth. I have hopefully learned my lesson about staying late at a member's house and about taking off my shoes. I am grateful the family is well enough off to buy me a new pair. We are going shoe shopping today. My companion just thinks this is so funny. I have to admit, I did laugh as well. And I'm sure I will laugh more soon.
Speaking of my companion... Sister Foster is absolutely amazing!! Wow, I love her. We have a great time together. We work hard, testify powerfully, and find many times to laugh. She also has been such a great trainer.
Speaking of... haha, I'm just kidding. This letter is in a weird format today.
One of our investigators finally had her schedule clear to come to church!! She has been meeting with the missionaries for over a month now. She is a faithful, spiritual woman and I love her dearly. She came to church and the speakers were exactly what she needed. This woman believes and tells us every visit that we are her angels, and she believes and knows what we are saying is true, but she is still progressing and the speakers truly spoke to her and beautifully. Wow, she rocks. And I am grateful for inspired church speakers. Thank you members!
Oh, had a lesson/dinner in President and Sister Summerhay's last night with a part-member family we are teaching. No pressure, right? The lesson went great and I appreciated the opportunity and their thanks. I know without a doubt in my mind that this is where I need to be. No doubt. God has a plan for me here and I am already seeing it unfold. I could not be more happy and grateful.
One last thought, we are teaching a teenage boy who's mother is a member.  we are teaching an awesome 13-year old who's mother is a less active member. He keeps all commitments and is striving to know for himself that our message is true.  Its been really cool.
Okay, well, I'm off. You all are so wonderful! Really, thank you all for everything!
Sister Jenkins
Picture is of us eating fried ice cream at a member's home.

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