
The Errand of Angels: Week 20 Doin' It the Lord's Way

Hi Everyone!
Hey!! How are you?! So let's just say my new area is a mixture of so many types of people in all walks of life. Haha. Oh man. And what a marvelous area to serve. An area where many people are prepared and God is working mighty miracles, yet an area that has so much work to be done!
For example, day two in area. We received a referral. Went to go contact them. We turned onto a street and had about 1/2 mile to go until we reached the person. It took us almost 2 1/2 hours to get there because we talked to everyone and it felt like everyone was outside. Most people wanted to talk with us. They were pretty receptive to God and to our message, or at least to us praying for them. God was really controlling our schedule because the aftermath of all that is three progressing investigators one with a possible baptism date. Yup, God is preparing the hearts of the people.
God is working miracles with our schedule and who we run into it. I LOVE IT!!!! It's amazing what happens when you let Him take charge of your schedule and the work. If you put God first everything will fall into its proper place.
The branch is pretty great. It is fun to be in a branch (smaller sized congregation)... I haven't been in one since I lived in New York. Oh, and there was a deaf woman at church. She has kind of had an interpreter on and off, and yet she has still been faithful in attending. I was able to interpret for her on Sunday. It was mentally taxing but very rewarding. I am so grateful for this opportunity to serve and to grow.

I love Sister Bush! She is NOT afraid to open her mouth. She is a little 4'11" ball of energy and spiritual power. (I think its funny I'm calling her little because I am only 5'1" if that...) We have been talking to everyone and she has taken the lead at least half the time. She is testifying boldly and making everyone feel loved. I am truly grateful to have her as a companion. Plus, we have a great time together.
We are working on overcoming some bumps in the road, but are really focusing on just moving forward from mistakes or hard times and always finding the positive. Sister Bush and I laughed for half an hour last night singing and dancing to Veggie Tales songs and songs from Wizard of Oz. It was a hoot! Oh man.
My invitation to you this week is to read The Book of Mormon and pray about it. If you have already done this, do it again. One's testimony of The Book of Mormon should always be strengthened. If you haven't done this, please do. You will truly find greater peace and blessings plus a knowledge of the restored gospel. The book is true and has blessed my life and strengthened the faith and blessed the life of countless people that I have taught and talked to during my time in Florida. If you haven't done this with The Bible yet, please do that as well! Most people automatically believe the Bible is true, but you can still pray and gain a strong testimony for yourself! :)
Have a great day!
Sister Jenkins

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