
The Errand of Angels: Week 34

Hi Everyone!

I hope that you are well! How are those invitations coming? 

 of the Week: I found a baby gecko in my closet! It was the cutest thing ever! I named him Ralph. It was a sad day to release him. 

This last week the missionaries in our branch attempted to go fishing. Well, it was a major fail.

We hooked a couple shells and different things. We hooked something so hard that half of our pole just popped off into the water. We watched it slowly sink down not being able to do anything. It was a sad day. 

Later we caught it on a hook and almost got it up, but it fell again. Oh well, we will learn sometime how to fish in the ocean.

Also, we do role plays a lot as missionaries to practice teaching. At a district meeting we were doing a role play for a baptismal invite. The missionaries helping the "investigator" understand the feelings on the Spirit used the scripture Galatians 5:22-23, which talks about the fruits of the Spirit. This isn't exact, but the role play went something like this:

Elder T: Do you feel the fruits?
Elder L "Investigator": Yeah, I feel the fruits.
Elder R: Yeah, I feel the fruits too.

Anyways, no one could keep from laughing. It was a lot of fun. We are making district shirts today with the fabric paint that Becky sent me, based on that exchange. It was so funny.

Tender Mercy: A member came up to me and said he cried as he watched me sign "There is a Green Hill Far Away" during sacrament meeting because of my emotions. That was so sweet. I am so grateful God has blessed me with this opportunity to sign.

Tender Mercy/Miracle of the Week: Barry's baptism would have to be one of the most touching experiences that I have had on the mission. Every baptism is so special, but this one was extra exceptional because of the marvelous support from the branch and his reaction to the support. 

Probably 40-50 people attended the baptism. The room was packed. Many were investigators and some even from another ward that our interpreter invited. An interpreter from Seminole interpreted for the baptism. She was an absolutely beautiful signer.

Right before the actual baptism, the primary children from our branch came up and signed and sang, "Families Can Be Together Forever." The primary leader started crying as did many others, included Barry and myself. Then a group of around 15 branch members came up and signed the same song following me. The Spirit was so strong. 

We had testimonies while Barry was changing and after he returned back Sister Bush gave her testimony in ASL and I interpreted. I am so proud of her for learning enough ASL to sign her testimony. It was gorgeous and again, the Spirit was so strong. Her testimony was just beautiful.

I had the opportunity to give a talk on the Gift of the Holy Ghost, which I did in ASL, with the interpreter voicing for me. It was a really sweet and simple talk, but it was exactly what I felt like I needed to do.

Barry was able to be confirmed and receive the Holy Ghost right after my talk. We did it like this because it was on a Sunday afternoon (he works a lot during the week). 

Following the baptism countless people came up and used the ASL that they had learned to congratulate him, or I interpreted. There were hugs and tears and just a joyous atmosphere. Barry was truly prepared for him baptism and his Spirit touched everyone so much. Afterwards he said he felt the Spirit so strong and he felt so good.

Thank you Gulfport Branch for your wonderful support!
Invitation: If there is a baptism in your ward or area, please attend it. Those joining the church would love your support and love.

I know Christ is our Savior and that baptism is a necessary step to enter the temple and to salvation!

Have a wonderful day!

Sister Jenkins


Stay strong to the standards of the church! 
The world has gone far afield; [it has traveled; it is nowhere to be seen;] it has proceeded way, way out, all the way out of this [building and around the world]. … What we and our children and our grandchildren have to remember is that the Church will remain constant, [it’s still right here; yet] the world will keep moving—that gap is [becoming] wider and wider. … Therefore, be very careful. If you judge your actions and the standards of the Church on the basis of where the world is and where it’s going, you will find that you are not where you should be.”4
Back then I could not have imagined how far and how fast the world would move away from God; it was impossible to understand that, given doctrine, principles, and commandments. And yet the standards of Christ and His Church have not moved. As He said, “The truth abideth forever and ever.”5 When we understand and accept this, we are prepared to face the social pressure, ridicule, and even discrimination that will come from the world and some who call themselves friends.
Especially for YSA, the For the Strength of the Youth is so important! We are encouraging people to read it to better know how to stay safe from the world.

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