
The Errand of Angels: Week 36 By Small and Simple Means

Hello Everyone!

I absolutely love being a part of God's army!! I love this work so much!! Being a missionary makes me so happy!! Well, and whenever I'm down, I try to choose to be happy, and it helps a lot!! I LOVE Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. I love this work!

Funny of the Week: We were at an appointment and it was pouring rain. We called for a ride to take us and our bikes home. By the time they arrived the rain had mostly stopped. There was still lightening though, so I guess it was a good thing. We arrived home and our electricity was off. That was fun! It came on about 30 minutes later.

Study Subject of the Week: So today isn't a specific talk, I am going to do a "study subject." Why? I absolutely loved my scripture study this week!! (Well, I love it every week, of course). This will be titled "by small and simple means."

There are many instances in the scriptures that describe how even the small choices truly matter, "by small and simple things are great things brought to pass," (http://www.lds.org/scriptures/bofm/alma/37.6-7?lang=eng). So therefore, we must be, "diligent in keeping the commandments of God," (http://www.lds.org/scriptures/bofm/alma/37.20?lang=eng). 

In Alma 47(http://www.lds.org/scriptures/bofm/alma/47?lang=eng), we learn how the adversary works in many instances. In this story, Lehonti and a group of men leave the city because they didn't want to be obedient to the king (Alma 47:50). At the beginning of this story, the disobedience is actually good because they aren't going to war, but think of it symbolically, disobedience can put us into danger.

They established their camp on a mount. This is great. Many of us may be on a spiritual mount and think that we are safe. A very wicked man, Amalickiah, sends three embassies to Lehonti desiring that he come down to the foot of the mount. Lehonti does not. The adversary typically won't tempt you with a large sin, and if he does, you typically won't give in. For example, you might not walk out of a church building and see someone selling drugs in the parking lot, and you probably wouldn't give in if they were. 

Amalickiah tempts Lehonti a fourth time. This time he comes to right below Lehonti's camp and asks him to come down a little way and bring his guards with him (a little can't hurt right?) (Alma 47:12). The adversary will typically tempt us by saying "lie a little" or "go to church late" or "you are so tired, you don't need to read your scriptures today." He may even make sin look like a really exciting option (Alma 47:13). But he really isn't there to help you. Sin WILL never lead to happiness, only sadness, pain and guilt. 

In Lehonti's case, he is offered great power, but then is killed by Amalickiah's servant by being "poisoned by degrees" (Alma 47:18). 

By "small and simple means are great things brought to pass."

Tender Mercy/Miracle of the Week: Ask and ye shall receive. We asked for new investigators this week and got one that day and then three referrals. It was great!

Other Highlights of the Week: I am just so impressed by people showing their determination to follow Christ. On Sunday, we had multiple people at church in severe pain, yet they stayed. For example:

-Barry was wincing for a good part of church. He stayed.
-Betty stayed home from many activities yesterday so she could get enough rest to arise and come to church, even when her legs were hurting her.
-Many, many other members. 

I am so impressed by these people who choose to put God first. He will bless them and bless you as you do the same.

Invitation: Read your scriptures and pray. Those are some of the "smallest" things I can think of. These truly do yield the most powerful results.

I know that this is the fullness of Christ's gospel and we become happier as we follow Him and His teachings!Have a wonderful day!

Sister Jenkins

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