
The Errand of Angels: Week 41 I KNOW

Hello Everyone!

Meet my new companion, Sister Fox

I apologize in advance for the length of this week's letter, but I really felt the need to just testify and share some things. I pray that you will feel uplifted as you read.

Well, how is everything going?! I am tired. Missionary work is exhausting, but it is so worth it! If I wasn't exhausted at this point then I would truly be wondering if I was giving it my all. I memorized a quote this week on the treadmill... its not exact, but I couldn't find it on lds.org :(

"You only get once chance to serve a mission; it is your responsibility, your duty, to use it to its fullest.To give every last ounce of energy until you collapse in exhaustion at the end of it. All the hardships, all the tears, all the hard work, will be looked back upon as the best thing you've ever done. Not because you enjoyed it, not because you baptized everyone, but because you gave it everything you had, even when you didn't think you could, and especially when you didn't want to. Live your mission to your fullest. Work harder than you've ever worked before. Let people know that this is the most important thing in the world to you. If you do not run until you have nothing left to give and then keep on going anyway, cry, and pray, and work, and sweat, and plead, until you are so drained that all you can do is turn to the Lord. If you do not do this, then these people won't come to this joy because of you. Their failure to come to Christ will be partially upon your head. Come out of your mission proud of what you've done and this experience will bless the rest of your life." - Elder Jeffrey R. Holland

I have been reminding myself of this over and over again. I love God, I love my Savior, Jesus Christ, and I want everyone to have the joy that I have.

This is my favorite lady in the ward--congregation.

Funny of the Week: 

Last night Sister Sliger and I got into a pillow fight. The mistake was not the pillow fight, but the fact that we were still in church clothes. I stepped on her birthday skirt and ripped a massive hole in it. Yup, Walmart here we come! I owe her. It was super funny though.

Study of the Week: 

Mostly, I just feel the need to testify to all of you of what I know to be true - without a doubt in my mind.

I know that Patriarchal Blessings (http://www.lds.org/general-conference/1986/10/your-patriarchal-blessing-a-liahona-of-light?lang=eng&query=patriarchal+blessing) are the words of God to us. This week I needed extra strength, even though I had just received a Priesthood blessing. I prayed and dove into my Patriarchal Blessing. I had the sweetest insights and the biggest confirmation that I am a daughter of God. That our Heavenly Father knows me personally and each person on earth personally. We not only knew Him in this life, but we lived with Him in the life before and conversed with Him. He loves us and watches over us. Our Savior does as well. He is truly our elder brother and watches over us just like an elder brother does.

I know that the gospel is here to bless families. I know that the family unit is ordained of God and that marriage between a man and a woman is called of God. I know that families are worth working for. (http://www.lds.org/Static%20Files/PDF/Manuals/TheFamily_AProclamationToTheWorld_35538_eng.pdf)

I know that in the temple families are sealed for time and all eternity. Marriage and families do not need to end with "and death do us part." They can last forever. It is worth working towards this goal (http://www.lds.org/general-conference/1976/04/the-blessing-of-building-a-temple?lang=eng&query=temple). 

I know that the Priesthood authority of God is on earth AGAIN today. I know that prophets anciently held this authority and power, that Christ held it and gave it to His apostles, and I know it has been restored to earth again today. After Christ's apostles were killed this power was not passed down, and so it needed to be restored. John the Baptist and Peter, James and John came to earth and restored this Priesthood to Joseph Smith and others. It is only available in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. This is the authority by which baptism, marriage, and other essential acts are bound on earth and in Heaven (http://www.lds.org/scriptures/nt/matt/16.15,16,17,18,19?lang=eng#14).

I know that missionary work is and has always been a commandment of God. It is not our responsibility to convert people, that is the Spirit, but it is our responsibility to invite, and we will be held accountable for this (http://www.lds.org/training/wwlt/2013/hastening/a-new-vision).

I know that prayers are answered. I 100% know that prayers are answered. God is there. He does listen. He always listens. He loves you so much. He hears the pleadings of your heart. Please, trust in His promise, that if you ask, you shall receive an answer (http://www.lds.org/scriptures/nt/john/16.24?lang=eng#23). Open your heart to God and let Him enter and heal it.

I know that The Book of Mormon is the word of God. I know that if we study from its pages every day, as well as from the Bible, that a power will enter into our lives and we will have more joy and more strength to endure the trials of life.

This is a thank you card we made for someone in the hospital. the flowers come out and they have scriptures or nice sayings on them

And above else, please, remember, God loves you.

Tender Mercies/Miracles of the Week: 

So, no need to worry about bathroom time, God blessed us immensely this week!! In fact, most days my hair and makeup were down before studies! Wow! Really though, it seems like God just warped time and we have an extra 30 mins in the morning. It’s awesome.

We had three investigators at sacrament meeting for our primary program! It was great! I am grateful as well for wonderful friends and fellowshippers who help others feel welcome and explain things during church and during the week to them. The ward has been great with that this week. We had a lot of member present lessons. Thank you, Seffner Ward!

Even though this week had its rough points, I know that God was there through it all and that angels were watching over me. Other missionaries are sometimes those angels.

Invitation: Prepare for General Conference by praying about what you need to receive and even a question that you can take there. I know God will bless you as you prayerfully prepare to listen to words of modern prophets and apostles.

Have a great week!

Sister Jenkins

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