
The Errand of Angels Week 47: BOLD

This week has been awesome and hard and heart wrenching all at the same time!

I have been studying boldness and trying to apply it this week. We met with a woman who has been struggling with scripture study. We had not planned on teaching this, but we talked about obedience and how we need to be exactly obedient to obtain God's miracles. Obedience brings blessings, but exact obedience brings miracles. She is looking for miracles in her life. It was such a touching experience to be bold and have her accept the invite to read her scriptures every single day.

We had a wonderful recent convert that we have been meeting with. She has caught the spirit of missionary work! We have two new investigators from one of her referrals and had a great experience having dinner with and sharing a lesson with another friend of hers. She is fulfilling her member missionary efforts... and it is making her happier!

We have been trying to open our mouths more this week, as we are now back on bikes half time. We have had countless experiences of God placing people in our path. I can't imagine not talking to them... we would have missed out on so many opportunities to meet people so prepared. It makes it difficult to look at times I haven't opened my mouth. 

We met one lady that was walking with headphones in... we still stopped and talked to her. She began crying when we testified to her. The experience ended with tears and hugs. She knew that we were from God. We knew that God placed us in her path because He loves her. It is one of the sweetest experiences to be one of God's angels.

I want to give my full will to God. Every day I want this more. I am so grateful for what I am becoming and the perspective that I am gaining.

During this week I have had the opportunity to reflect upon the sacrifices made by our pioneer ancestors. I read stories in "Our Heritage" about those who were beaten, cast out, and even killed for what they knew to be true. They would not back down. I read the words of Moroni 1:2-3 (http://www.lds.org/scriptures/bofm/moro/1.2-3), which describe how we would not deny Christ, even though he was being hunted by unbelievers. I reflected on their sacrifices. I must be bold in what I know to be true, because I do know it, without a doubt, I know it. I wrote my own bold testimony this week about my own sacrifice:

I stand before you today having sacrificed much to come here. I left an excellent job, put school on hold, used every last penny of my savings, to come here for 18 months and to stand here and testify to you that this is true. I have missed seeing births of nieces and nephews and other life events. I will not see my family in person for 18 months, so I can stand here and tell you this is true. When I return home I will be jobless and penniless. In all honesty, this isn't much of a sacrifice. Why you might ask? Because I know I am about Christ's work. I am His representative. I love Him and I love my Father in Heaven. I know that the eternal salvation of the children of men is at stake. And I have been blessed to know how to find eternal happiness and salvation. I want nothing more at this time than to share that with you. I will never regret my decision. Many missionaries who went before me have sacrificed their lives and sealed their testimonies with their blood, because this is true. Would they make such a sacrifice if they didn't know, without a doubt, this was true? Would I come here and sacrifice if I didn't know myself? I declare to you that the message we share is true and that it is of greater worth than anything else in the eternities. If you turn this down, you turn away Christ, for this is truly His gospel.

Invitation: Be someone's angel this week. Follow the prompting to talk to someone.

Have a great week!

Sister Jenkins
Leftovers of Halloween

Missionary Pyramid
Halloween Dessert

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