
Am I missing something?

This past Friday I had a "fun" experience. Well, at least I can say it is now fun and I enjoy laughing about it :)

Part 1: The Temple

I try to attend the temple as frequently as possible, but of course I can always do better. I was excited because on Friday I did have some time to dedicate to going to the temple. What was even better is that it was a dress-up day at work so I was already in my church clothes. Too bad things kind of went downhill from there :)

I left work late, and it was then that I realized I really had to use the restroom. I drove as quickly as possible to school and barely made it to class on time. The entire class period I suffered due to my negligence. By the time class ended I of course had forgotten I needed to use the restroom (surprisingly enough). 

After class I started talking to a woman in my class and I offered her a ride home because we only live a few blocks away. As soon as I sat in my car I remembered about my restroom needs, but it was too late to run inside. Instead I drove the woman home (by-the-way, she is a blog post in herself. She is awesome!), and then continued on to the temple. 

I parked my car, quickly gathered my belongings, and starting booking it to the temple so that I could use the restroom. (And here is where my story actually gets good). I was crossing the crosswalk below and...

all of a sudden I realize that my skirt is at my ankles! How does that even happen to someone without them noticing?! I was obviously very shocked and dropped everything that was in my hands and quickly pulled up my skirt. *Phew* I was in the clear! Except, in my frantic state I accidentally pulled my skirt on underneath my slip. This left me in the middle of the road, with my slip on the outside and my belongings strewn across the road. 

I tried to bunch up my slip a little bit around my stomach so no one would see that it was on the outside, while at the same time trying to hold my skirt up to keep from another hazardous situation, as well as picking up my scriptures and journal and other items from the street. I finally managed to gather my belongings and I booked it right back to my car. I tried to fix my skirt but it was too difficult to just fix it in the parking lot, so I had to get in my car. 

So you remember how I mentioned earlier that I really had to use the restroom? Well by this time my bladder felt like it was going to explode. I made the decision to just drive home as quickly as possible (I only live about 5 or so minutes away from the Provo Temple). As I was driving away I decided to turn on my phone which had been previously turned off. When I pressed the power button I got an error message. Obviously I was not able to read it because I was driving and had my mind on finding a restroom quickly. I pressed power again, I think, and this ending up resetting my phone to factory settings. So not only am I stressing out about my bladder and my skirt, but now I am driving and trying to stop my phone from deleting all my settings.

Well, I made it to my apartment complex, up the stairs while trying to hold my skirt up and hide my slip (which I still hadn't taken the time to fix), and home to my apartment. Don't worry, I luckily made it to the restroom in time :)

So one little detail I forgot to mention. There were thankfully only two people to my knowledge that witnessed the skirt incident. Luckily it was not a missionary temple day!! (Or at least they weren't outside a the time if it was). There was an older man crossing the crosswalk at the same time, going in the opposite direction. Although, I am not sure if he noticed my misfortune. The other person was a woman at the bus stop, who did watch ALL steps of the incident, probably in confusion. Me crossing the crosswalk, loosing my skirt, running back to my car, trying to fix my skirt, and then driving away. I am sure that is a story she told at the dinner table that night :)

Part 2: The Verizon Store

My phone ended up entirely resetting myself, so I decided to go to the Verizon store and see if they could retrieve any data. By this time I had decided to not go to the temple, which I felt bad about, but I was going to be heading out of town the next day and a working phone was really important to have. Oh, and I changed out of that ridiculous skirt (I think the elastic broke in the skirt when I washed it, and that is why the issue occurred).

I went to the Verizon store, and of course waited for quite a while. They were able to return all my contacts as well as my fast dial list - I was really grateful for this.

Part 3: Blessing or not?

So, was I blessed on Friday? I would say YES!! 

When my skirt dropped I did have a slip on, which was a wonderful blessing, as well as black tights and spandex shorts. This means that anyone observing at least didn't see any of me that I didn't want them to see. That was a blessing.

I was able to make it to the restroom before my bladder decided to give in to the pressure. Such a blessing!

Also, I was able to retrieve all my contacts from my phone. This was a HUGE blessing as well! Turns out some of the newer phones automatically backup all your contacts. Thank you technology!! :)

Last, but not least, I had a great story to laugh about that night! My parents enjoyed hearing it as well as others. If you look at life in a positive manner, then stressful or negative experiences can become ones that you learn from, grow from, and laugh about! :)

If you want to learn more about temples of The Church of Jesus-Christ of Latter-day Saints (aka the "Mormon Church" and the "LDS Church") you can watch the videos below or follow the links. Enjoy!! I LOVE temples! I feel so blessed because of them :)