

Well, I have learned much about me the past couple days and about these goals.

1. Getting 8 hours of sleep is hard. Nevertheless, it is still my goal.
2. Making eating an event is even harder, especially with working full-time and going to school full-time, but I have had some success.
3. The more I talk about this to others, the more support I have :) Turns out I have a brother and sister-in-law who are training for a triathlon. My brother keeps on following up. Its awesome.
4. I feel really guilty if someone bakes me something and I don't try it because of the sugar content. I will be a little more relaxed with that so I don't hurt anyone's feelings... I will take a small bite :)

Also, I have had some fun being healthy!

I am working out a new gym and enjoyed it today. Yay!

We'll see how this week goes.


Lifestyle Turn-Around

I had an epic summer... I worked out 45 - 120 minutes everyday, ate extremely healthy, got 8 hours of a sleep a night... I was on top of it all.

Since school has started I feel like this has entirely swapped and I want to go back.

So I have a goal currently called "lifestyle turn-around." Basically, I want to turn-around and go back to how I was during the summer time, and maybe even approve on that.

I know that I am much more likely to do something if I become accountable to someone. Well, I guess I am now accountable to the blogging world :)

September 21-24 will be my prep days for this turn-around. I will get my life in order enough (homework and such) in order to make these changes. Here are the goals for September 25 - October 16. At that point I will reevaluate my progress and goals and move on to the next couple weeks. (Also at that point I go on a work trip... I will need to make goals for that as well).

Anyways, so there is argument about how long a habit takes to form... 18 to 256 days. This psych blog states about 66 days on average. Well, we'll see about that. I was able to make me summer practices habits during the summer time when I was only working, let's try to create a habit for my school schedule.

My start-up goals go as following:

Exercise at least 30 minutes per day (excluding Sunday).
Get at least 8 hours of sleep per night.
No white sugars.
Eating must be an event in itself (no eating while working or doing homework).

So there you have it. This isn't up to the same level yet as my summer routine, but for the first couple weeks this will help me start preparing for the next steps.

I also must post at least once a week on my progress.

Wish me luck! :)


"The child-driven education"

I am absolutely loving my classes this semester!

In my Top of Utah Deaf Education class today we watched this video (very worth the length the video):

Theme: "If children want to learn, education happens"

Sugata Mitra: The child-driven education | Video on TED.com