
The Errand of Angels: Week 21 Undercover cops and a Manatee mailbox on Treasure Island

Hello Everyone!

(Double click Location on the right to see where I am: Gulfport, Pasedena and Treasure Island)

How are you?! Long time no see! Oh wait, that's true. I have officially been out over 5 months! Wow... Well, by Mother's Day I will have about a year left.

So this week has been really good! We had some really powerful experiences! This area is very different than Carrollwood but I do love it a lot and am so grateful to serve here!

I also learned this week to be very patient with people overcoming addictions. In a lesson with a member who has resorted back to drinking I literally just started sobbing and so did Sis Bush for her because she didn't desire all of the blessings God could offer.  I started sobbing when she said I would have to be patient with her because she wasn't ready to give it up. For some reason I just could not stop crying so she asked me to come sit next to her on the couch and she held me, same with Sis Bush who was also crying. What an interesting phenomenon ... it was actually one of the most powerful experiences I have had. She was so much more open to different things following the meeting. I love her. She is an amazing woman who has been through more trials that I can ever imagine.
Another two experiences that I wanted to share relate to God's infinite love for ALL and EVERY ONE of His children.
Our schedule had been funky with lots of appointments falling through. But I KNOW that if appointments fall through, that God has a better plan for us. So... we had to find what that was. We were biking and Sis Bush called out to me (I was in front) I turned around and she saw a man that I didn't see when I passed by. She briefly saw him, rode by, and then the Spirit distinctly said, "turn around." Woah. I am SO SO glad that she listened to the promptings of the Spirit. We stopped and talked to him. We testified of God's love for him, that God had a plan for him, prayed with him, etc. The man just literally kept on saying thank you and kept on wiping away tears. He had just been praying to God, pleading with Him (right before we talked to him). He knew that we were the answer to his prayers. He said he was moving the next day or two and didn't have a phone (just got turned off and didn't have a new address or something like that). Sister Bush and I were unsure the extent of the experience, but we know that either we were instruments in God's hands of saving that man physically and/or spiritually. He knows that we are representatives of Jesus Christ and one day that will lead him to joining the Church. This experience was so humbling and so beautiful.
Right after him we saw a homeless guy sitting on the grass by the sidewalk. We felt like we should stop and talk to him (side note: we have learned that we can't share the gospel with everyone, so know we have to go by the Spirit. Many of the areas we teach in could be considered "the hood" and there are innumerable amounts of people always outside. The first day we visited this part of town and did talk to everyone it took us almost three hours to go a half mile to our referral's home. Its awesome, but going by the Spirit tends to work quite nicely). So anyways, talked to this homeless man that was literally skin and bone. We knelt down next to him. It was amazing because I didn't even think about how funny this looked with us having our bikes parked on the sidewalk and kneeling on the sidewalk next to this homeless man talking to him. We shared a Book of Mormon with him and taught him some from it about Christ's love for him. It was beautiful just really feeling God's love for this man.
I know that God loves each of His children so much! It is amazing the love I feel for people as a missionary. I am so grateful to feel it :) I couldn't help this week to think of the stories of Christ finding the one lost sheep (Luke 15:4-7 http://www.lds.org/scriptures/nt/luke/15.4-7?lang=eng) and meeting the people "one by one" (3 Nephi 11:15-16 http://www.lds.org/scriptures/bofm/3-ne/11.15-16?lang=eng). He really cares about the one.
Visited one less active, invited her to church, and she came. She hasn't been in years. People in the branch were shocked that we had convinced her to come. Honestly, we were just nice and went by the Spirit. Sister Bush was speaking so it was an easy invite. It was awesome! She is coming again this Sunday!! Loving others goes such a long way.

People in St. Petersburg are very receptive of us but kind of hesitant as well. We either get, "are you 13?" or "why are you asking so many questions?" I am pretty sure many people think we are undercover cops. We have decided that we are undercover spiritual cops. But I guess not that undercover because we have name tags.
The picture is of a funny mailbox. Sis Bush and I saw this one when we got lost on Treasure Island (look up a map of that! our area is Gulfport, part of St. Petersburg, Treasure Island, and Pasendina (name?). We started singing "Barbara Manatee" from Veggie Tales when we saw it. 

We have lots of pictures of funny mailboxes. Oh, how I love it!
My invitation to you this week is to pray about the one person you can help this week. And try to reach out to the one... maybe someone discouraged or downtrodden or someone that just needs a smile.
Have a great day!
Sister Jenkins
This is what I ran to this morning :)
Please, don't be too jealous.


The Errand of Angels: Week 20 Doin' It the Lord's Way

Hi Everyone!
Hey!! How are you?! So let's just say my new area is a mixture of so many types of people in all walks of life. Haha. Oh man. And what a marvelous area to serve. An area where many people are prepared and God is working mighty miracles, yet an area that has so much work to be done!
For example, day two in area. We received a referral. Went to go contact them. We turned onto a street and had about 1/2 mile to go until we reached the person. It took us almost 2 1/2 hours to get there because we talked to everyone and it felt like everyone was outside. Most people wanted to talk with us. They were pretty receptive to God and to our message, or at least to us praying for them. God was really controlling our schedule because the aftermath of all that is three progressing investigators one with a possible baptism date. Yup, God is preparing the hearts of the people.
God is working miracles with our schedule and who we run into it. I LOVE IT!!!! It's amazing what happens when you let Him take charge of your schedule and the work. If you put God first everything will fall into its proper place.
The branch is pretty great. It is fun to be in a branch (smaller sized congregation)... I haven't been in one since I lived in New York. Oh, and there was a deaf woman at church. She has kind of had an interpreter on and off, and yet she has still been faithful in attending. I was able to interpret for her on Sunday. It was mentally taxing but very rewarding. I am so grateful for this opportunity to serve and to grow.

I love Sister Bush! She is NOT afraid to open her mouth. She is a little 4'11" ball of energy and spiritual power. (I think its funny I'm calling her little because I am only 5'1" if that...) We have been talking to everyone and she has taken the lead at least half the time. She is testifying boldly and making everyone feel loved. I am truly grateful to have her as a companion. Plus, we have a great time together.
We are working on overcoming some bumps in the road, but are really focusing on just moving forward from mistakes or hard times and always finding the positive. Sister Bush and I laughed for half an hour last night singing and dancing to Veggie Tales songs and songs from Wizard of Oz. It was a hoot! Oh man.
My invitation to you this week is to read The Book of Mormon and pray about it. If you have already done this, do it again. One's testimony of The Book of Mormon should always be strengthened. If you haven't done this, please do. You will truly find greater peace and blessings plus a knowledge of the restored gospel. The book is true and has blessed my life and strengthened the faith and blessed the life of countless people that I have taught and talked to during my time in Florida. If you haven't done this with The Bible yet, please do that as well! Most people automatically believe the Bible is true, but you can still pray and gain a strong testimony for yourself! :)
Have a great day!
Sister Jenkins


The Errand of Angels: Week 19 Movin' On

Hello Everyone!!
So... here is the update!! Guess what?!! I am getting transferred from my beloved Carrollwood Ward in Tampa to the Gulf Port Branch in St. Petersburg. I guess its on a little peninsula right across the mysterious bridge nearby (I say mysterious because I have not seen it myself and only saw the ocean once... still unsure if I really am in Florida... hmmm... haha! Just kidding. This is when faith kicks in ;)

There will be a set of Elders in the Branch and then my companion and I, whom I will be training. We will be replacing a set of Elders there... yay for getting in more Sisters into the mission!! I am so excited to introduce Sister missionaries to the area and to work in a branch. I don't know much about St. Pete (what most people, including me, call St. Petersburg... much easier to say). But I did hear that the branch is awesome. There is lots of finding to be done (good thing I love talking to everyone! Or at least ask for courage and then just move forward in faith and do it :). And supposedly finding a white person is liking "finding a needle in a hay stack." Haha. We'll see what its really like. Lets just say I am excited. I will be biking 4 out of the 6 weeks of the transfer. My goal, have the branch become a ward in 6 weeks. Haha. Well, we will see what happens. Nothing is impossible with God if its His will :)

Sister Mikolajcik will be training (yes, after six weeks!) and they will be adding three more missionaries to the ward (splitting the Sisters' area and adding another missionary to the current set of Elders there). Woah. I mean, woah!! This work is moving forward like crazy.
I am a little sad to leave my beloved Carrollwood ward, but know that I am needed somewhere else. I am grateful to look back on my experiences here with joy, and not with regret. I know there were times when I could have done this or that better, but I know that I have worked hard and strived to give my whole heart to this area. I will try even harder in the next area. I am grateful that Heavenly Father gave me opportunities and prompted me to be very bold with some of our investigators the final time I saw them. He literally threw the perfect opportunities in our laps :)
So, funny experiences of the week:
We got my bike back from the Hermanas (they still had it in their apartment from exchanges). We were running some errands, etc. so used their bike lock to lock it to the bike rack. Forgot to  have them unlock it before we dropped them off. Didn't want someone stealing the bike... so we unhooked the bike rack and carried it, with the bike attached, to our 2nd story apartment. Don't worry, I got pictures ;) Which reminds me, I forgot my camera cord so you will have to wait a whole week for those.
We went over to an investigators house, R, and she had just taken some pain medication so was falling asleep. We met with her friend, L, and mostly helped her friend help her. Her friend did an improv song about how much Jesus loves R and we all clapped and danced to it to help her get back into bed. It was really fun. We had a member with us who has her mission call to France. She loved the experience.
Highlights of the week: Warning, there are many. It was a great last week in Carrollwood!
Just FYI, we believe the Bible to be the word of God, as well as The Book of Mormon. The Book of Mormon is a defining characteristic about our Church. You will hear a lot about The Book of Mormon below and I wanted to make sure that was clear :)
Monday night an appointment fell through, which is a bummer, but exciting, because it means Heavenly Father wants you to be doing something. So, we went to visit Stacee and Justice but decided to go talk to a man at their complex who was sweeping (I kind of noticed him out of the corner of my eye, but Sister M actually looked at him. I figured if he stood out to her then we should go talk to him). We went over and he was helping a friend whose husband passed away the day before. We went in and prayed with her. And ended up meeting with her and this friend and one other friend a couple times later in the week. The Holy Ghost works through very subtle promptings and only God knew how much that woman needed us right in that moment.
The friends were willing to listen to us because they had great experiences in the past with Mormons. So, do not discount your influence on others! One of them had a Mormon psychologist who she just adored and I don't remember how the other one had come in contact with members, but he owned a copy of The Book of Mormon. Pretty cool. 
Then met with Justice and some people living with them. It was great. We were able to show forth love. Love goes a long way as does testimony.
Overall, were able to find six new investigators from inspired tracting, inviting all to attend and talking to everyone. This week was definitely a finding week.
The investigator of ours who is the neighbor to the Bishop's family, she is absolutely amazing! But we will be giving her away to another set of missionaries. She met with us twice this week, went to a Relief Society activity, went to church, and read through almost all of 1 and 2 Nephi. Yeah, she is awesome. It is such a rewarding experience to see people's relationships with God grow and strengthen... wow, absolutely amazing.
We were in the same complex as many of our investigators. One of our investigator's sons biked passed us as we were taking out some one's trash. His friend (a girl) asked who we were and what we were doing. She thought we were basically the most amazing, coolest people ever. Then the both of them followed us as we walked to the dumpster. All of a sudden all their friends came over and we had a congregation of about eight kids ages 8-13 gathered around us. Our investigator's son starting raving about how we meet with his mom and what we do. They all wanted copies of The Book of Mormon. Just because of his comments all his friends thought we were so cool. We are excited to see what happens there. We didn't have enough copies for all of them, but the others came back to us when we were in the area again to get a copy. Wow, that boy will go on a mission. He has a great work ahead of him.
Speaking of him, we met with his whole family last night. His mom had gone to her church that day and her religious leader had told her that she didn't need to be baptized again. She was all set with a decision not to be baptized. I was so grateful for the experience to be bold with her and re-explain the Priesthood and line of authority and how important this decision was. She is now praying again and will keep an open mind. I am so grateful for the Spirit and for being bold. She calls me her angel. I love that woman so much. She has faith to move mountains.
It is amazing how much serving others helps them build their trust in you. As missionaries we asked to serve others, especially members. We had the opportunity to help out a Relief Society activity over the weekend and the members were so grateful and hoping that Sisters would get transferred into their wards. It was really cool.
Just a quick observation. Even though I know I have the Spirit strongly, I have realized that He has worked with me and Sister Mikolajcik so quietly. I have learned that always listening is so important. We can have a fleeting thought or just have a person brought to our notice a little bit. When we act on those marvelous miracles happen, especially in finding. I am grateful to be learning more and more how to listen.
My invitation to you: Smile and say hi to as many people as possible this week. If you don't know your neighbors, go introduce yourself to them. Christ loved all men and talked to all men. Plus, you never know who needs a happy smile :) I know your personal happiness will increase as you do this as well.
Have a great day! Love you!
Sister Jenkins


The Errand of Angels:Week 18 General Conference Greatness!

Hello Everyone!  My week was really quite excellent (as always... I think it has something to do with me being a missionary... I don't know... just a thought ;) I will start out with a couple funny things that happened: I want on exchanges this week. I served with Hermana Judd (Spanish-speaking Sister) in her area. We had 1.5 lessons in Spanish (one person jumped between Spanish and English and all the rest of the lessons ended up being in English). I was so excited to eat some great Latin food (the Hermanas always have excellent leftovers of Latin food). Guess what I had for dinner with a member? A all-American hot dog. Well, except I had mayo on it. That was new. Oh well. We joined the Spanish ward for lunch between both General Conference sessions so I had some delicious Latin food then :)

Oh, and picture is of a lily pad pond I saw on exchanges. Really pretty. Gotta love Florida!!!!!!

We received a referral from Mormon.org. We went over to the house (turned out they were having a party). We of course knocked anyways ;) And asked for the person. She was 12. It was her birthday. She had lots of friends over. We explained who we were and that a friend of hers had asked that we come visit her. That friend was at the birthday party. We were able to come in and pray with all the younger birthday partiers (only the mom wanted to join from the adults). It was quite the new experience, but was also a wonderful experience. We turned the family over to the Hermanas to visit. The mother wanted missionaries to come back. So... if you ever want a spiritually uplifting birthday party for your 12-year old just call up the missionaries! They can help you :) On a more spiritual note, it was a really wonderful blessing that the friend was there and that it was her birthday. One family member originally said to "send them away and tell them we're atheists." The 12-year old girl combated that and said that she believed in God and the mother let us in after saying what friend referred. I am very, very grateful to her courageous friend for referring her to the missionaries. Non-funny experience of the week: Found out that ants here bite. We get mosquito bites all the time... you know, about 20 per limb on a pretty consistent basis... but I'm learning to wear bug spray more often :) But yeah, ants. Their bites hurt. I would take an ant bike over a gator bite any day though, so I'm still very well off :) Now the moment you have all been waiting for... highlights of the week!!: General Conference was this weekend. A chance to hear from living prophets and apostles. So yeah, this weekend was AWESOME. Did you get a chance to listen/watch General Conference? What was your highlight of it? One of my highlights of General Conference would have to be having two investigators watch it at the church building with us (one Sunday morning and another in the afternoon :) and doing church tours with each of them. One of our investigators especially LOVED General Conference. She said the talks spoke directly to her and that she could apply them. She sang along during the intermediate hymn. She loved the church tour and said it felt like "home." She is so excited to be on this journey. The family that referred and introduced her to us came along and joined us for the tour as well. It was a great experience. Of course the talks were marvelous themselves!! I am so excited to watch specific talks with investigators and members. One of the ones that I needed most was Elder Cook. I know that if I trust in God and His plan for me that I can be truly happy and feel His peace more. Times when I do this, I do feel that peace. I am working and really doing this. I can see the results. Elder Cook quoted someone else by saying "to believe in God is to know all the rules are fair and there will be wonderful surprises." One way that I ward off discouraging thoughts is to read Moses 1:13 (well, mostly to recite it in my head). God tells Moses many times in this chapter that he is a son of God. Satan then comes and says he is not. He tells him essentially that he has no worth. Moses responds, "Who art thou? For behold, I am a son of God, in the similitude of his Only Begotten; and where is thy glory, that I should worship thee?"http://www.lds.org/scriptures/pgp/moses/1.13?lang=eng You may want to check out the chapter. Its awesome. You are a child of God and He loves you very much! Elder Nelson asked everyone to "catch the wave," which I am so excited to use with members and then Elder Perry and President Monson spoke about the importance of obedience. I LOVED these. Obedience is so important. Every moment we are choosing to follow God or the adversary. I know that great blessings are available to those who trust and follow God with exact obedience. Especially as we have perfect trust in His promises. In fact, if you didn't get a chance to hear President Monson's talk, please watch it now: http://www.lds.org/general-conference/watch/2013/04?lang=eng&vid=2284596181001&cid=11 I know that President Thomas S. Monson is a prophet of God and that his words will touch anyone and everyone who listens to them. Another highlight of this week was Tuesday. Let me explain this day to you: Had kind of a bummer morning, so I knew I needed to work hard to get out of thinking about myself. Left after lunch and talked to the first person I saw (Sister M and I take turns going first on bikes, and it was my turn). Turns out this woman's roommate is a member. She used to have a copy of The Book of Mormon. We prayed with her. She gave us four referrals. When we went back later this week she said she really saw the effects of her prayer. Next we ran into a recovering heroin addict. She was really receptive and excited to learn. We gave her over to the young single adult missionaries. Talked to a couple other people. Then had a lesson with a couple we have been meeting with for a while. After our lesson with them their neighbor talked to us (rarely to people beat us to the first word). Sister Foster and I had visited her apartment before and she was untested at the time. Now she was so nice to us and happy to see us. She said she would love to have us come back and pray with her family. Oh, and turns out she is a long-time less active member ;) Went over and tried to meet with two people who weren't home so met with another investigator of ours in the area. Just as he was leaving, a neighbor of his that we were also teaching came home (one of the ones we were trying to contact earlier). We were able to meet with her (haven't met with her for a month because her dad passed away and its been really tough for her). We are now meeting with her a couple times a week again. Following her we really wanted to go see the other person we dropped by and wasn't home, but we were late for an appointment. Well, she was outside. Set up an appointment with her (which, she later cancelled, BUT Heavenly Father really really wanted us to progress her just that bit more). Made it to our next appointment an hour late, BUT she thought it started an hour late. And she bought us dinner at Chipotle, which was great because we were eating on faith. On the way home we stopped and talked to a young man at a bus stop. Two months ago I had prayed with him and his girlfriend that live in the same complex as on of our investigators. He is Latino so the Spanish missionaries are over him. He is was so excited to see me again and knew that God was trying to tell him something (well, duh! haha. Sorry...). Prayed with him and sent his information over to the Spanish missionaries again. Wow. It's amazing how when you talk with everyone God truly trusts you and puts everyone in your path. When I was with Hermana Judd, we contacted 5 English people that were interested in learning more and gave their information over to the English missionaries in that area. I have realized that I don't mind giving other missionaries the people we find. Why? Because they are being taught by those that they should be taught by, and because they are being taught by missionaries and therefore I trust they are in good hands. Plus, I am being obedient :) This work is so much more than just the baptisms I personally get to see. This work is grand. It extends beyond this life. This is a fight for the souls of men. As I am exactly obedient and try my best to listen to the Spirit, I can have confidence that I am doing my part in God's majestic army. God's missionary army is growing. 65,000 full-time missionaries. 20,000 more with mission calls. 6,000 more with applications in. Please pray about joining His army. There could be nothing greater than being part of His work. If you can't go on a mission right now, then please oh please find ways to share the gospel with your friends. They will thank you some day.  My invitation to you is to 1. visit my blog: blessedinallthings.blogspot.com and comment on your highlights of General Conference as well as share your testimony 2. (Even more important) share General Conference on Facebook and other social media with a comment about your testimony and/or what your highlight was. Great happiness awaits you as you labor among God's children and bring souls back to Him :) Have a wonderful week!! Sister Jenkins 


The Errand of Angels: Week 17 Sister missionaries can extend their missions!

Hello Everyone!!
I love the mission so much!! Do you remember how they tried out the new age in different areas before applying it world-wide to the Church?! They have started doing the same thing for sister missionary extensions!! They have chosen five missions from the North America, as well as others from around the world to participate. The Florida Tampa Mission has been chosen from North America!! So, change of plans... I will be coming home in November 2014 instead of May 2014! I am so excited for this opportunity to serve God and the people of Florida for additional six months!

2 Sisters who came out with Deba

Speaking of length of service, I have now been on my mission for over four months! Wow, how time flies!!! Except not really, because some days have been really long. Haha!! Overall though, time is going so quickly. This last month has felt like the quickest of my entire mission. Wow, I can't believe transfers will be in another two weeks. I could easily be staying or going. I think most likely staying. I LOVE this ward (congregation) sooo much!! As I am sure I will love the other wards in my mission.
This week was very good! Very hard at times, but very good. I have been debating whether or not to share that the work is hard, but I think its important to realize. As missionaries we work hard all day long. People are not always nice to us. People we care for don't always accept our commitments. YET, with all of that, the work is worth it. I LOVE missionary work. I LOVE it. I LOVE it. I LOVE it. I encourage all to think and pray about serving a mission.

I am doing really well. I got a little sad last night because of someone that wasn't very nice to us, people who weren't keeping commitments, and people who weren't interested in the message we are bringing to the area. I was very grateful it was Easter though, because it gave me an opportunity to reflect even deeper on Christ's suffering for all people. His love for all is so beautiful. He even loves those whom He knew would never accept His Atoning sacrifice/gift. We are called to talk to, testify to, and teach all people in the area. I am truly grateful for this opportunity to feel the smallest portion of what Christ has felt for all mankind, and to come to have a greater appreciation of His love for everyone. I am excited to help others become more like the Savior and to in turn become more like Him myself.
I loved being a missionary on Easter. Wow. It was amazing inviting others to Christ all day long. I loved it. I know that Jesus Christ is the Savior of mankind. I know He loves each of us. I know that He knows each of us. I know that sweet relief is available as we turn our trials over to Him, I know that He can wash away all of our sins and guilt, and I know that by following Him and His teachings, unimaginable joy is available to us in the life to come.

I really love missionary work. I think I say this every week, but its so true! Regardless of all the heartache and really hard work, there is no place I rather be right now. 

Unicorn cup

A couple highlights of the week:

Our bus stop family has accepted a baptismal invite and are going to baptized in two weeks! They are so prepared, especially the 16-year old daughter. In fact, it worked out this week for her to come (last minute) to the Young Women (YW) camp out and I think YW broadcast. She LOVED the camp out. She LOVE the girls in the ward and they absolutely adore her, and so do the leaders. Wow, my vision of member work has increased so much by that and one other experience we had this week!
Another experience that really helped me appreciate members and gain a greater vision of how they can be used was with the Bishop's family. They gave us some referrals. We scheduled a time to come back and visit the referrals with the Bishop's family. They were the ones who asked one of the families if we could teach them. It was truly awesome. Wow!!

We have a part-member family that the sisters have been working with for years now. We are always nice to the family members and invite them to join if they are around. Finally, one son joined us for a lesson!! He shared with us how he doesn't believe in Christ or God. We said help him know how to gain his own testimony. We have a return appointment for him this Wednesday. I am SOOOO grateful for that opportunity!!

A less active family referred one of their neighbors who the Spanish Elders are teaching and they said are "golden." They said that the family is so open because they have seen all the members going in and out of the member's house visiting them and they think its wonderful that people in the Church are so caring to do that. Member work goes a LONG way!!

The work is so busy in the area, which I am so grateful for. We are going to try and do splits more frequently, and hopefully that will really help.

The other big testimony builder of mine came from listening to the Spirit for the perfect timing with things (to have even more 100% chance moments).

We were heading home the other night and stopped for a couple minutes to call someone. When we started biking again a car had just broken down and we were able to help them push it back into the parking lot. A couple was helping them as well. We shared The Book of Mormon with them (we will give them a Bible next time we visit because they don't have one), prayed for their car, invited them to church, set up a return appointment, talked about how much God loves each of us (not necessarily in that order), etc. Wow! We visit the mom's complex every week but who knows if we would have ever met her or if she would have been open to the truth if not for the service we were able to do.

As we were riding home from the car incident, we biked past a gated community where a referral/potential investigator live. We biked a little past it and I felt inspired to go back. Right as we got to the gate a car came through so we were able to get in. The same thing happened when we needed to leave. God opened those gates for us. The potential investigator was home and we were able to do Peace and Blessings with them. Wow, I love following the Spirit!!!

A cool one from last night. We dropped an "I care" by off at an investigators home. We saw people sitting on the porch of their neighbor and so we biked up the long driveway to their house. It was dark so they couldn't see us. The two people outside gladly greeted us and we were very excited to find this "golden" family. Turns out they are members! They are living with their mother (who is not a member) and have been struggling getting to church since they moved in with her because of her health. We will be going back this week and will begin teaching the mother the lessons. She is very sweet. They were so grateful we followed the Spirit and stopped by.

I usually always have lots of stories to share, but I just love seeing God's hand in every part of the work. This is truly His work and it will not be stopped!!

I am kind of running out of pictures because I keep forgetting to take them... so busy ;) Here is one with one of the families from our ward!
Oh, and I had to be a little naughty. April Fool's! There is obviously no sister missionary extension (at least none that I know of at this time).
My invitation this week: Pray and thank Heavenly Father for the gift of His son, Jesus Christ, and turn something over to Him that you have been reluctant in turning over. You will feel His love and peace greater.
Have a wonderful week!!

Sister Jenkins

Deba is getting her hugs!