
Mission in Jordan

I figured it had been a while since any of you have gotten an update on my parents. I am so proud of them and all the service that they are doing. Here is an update so you can see how they're doing.

For those of you who don't know, my parents are serving a 21 month mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Jordan (the country). They are volunteering as representatives of LDS Charities and simply doing service work in the country, not proselyting. They are loving the service that they are doing.

Here are the types of projects they have been working on since their arrival in Jordan January 2012:

- Clean water stations
- Wheelchair distribution
- Children hygiene education
- Children safety education
- Church service within the LDS Church

Much of their work has been coordinating these projects between the government, service organizations, and LDS Charities. I feel much of their work has revolved around helping the disabled.

I don't have many pictures from the service side of things:

This water factory was donated by LDS Charities, costing $56,000

Even though they have been working very hard, they have also been able to see some sites while they have been there. Here are some other pictures from them:


Bedouin Tent

Karak Castle

Karak Castle




At a "Linger Longer" church activity.

Sheep, sheepherder and sheepdog

I hope that you have enjoyed this update! Please keep my parents in your prayers as well as other missionaries across the world. I am so proud of you Mom and Dad!

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