
The Errand of Angels: Week 26 Gotta Love ASL

Hi Everyone!

I hope you all are well! Happy end of school for many of you!! Woot!! Summer time is here and what a perfect time to share the gospel with people!! I guess its always a perfect time to share the gospel with people ;)

But remember, I want to hear about your missionary experiences! They are so encouraging to me!

So this week was very good! Funny moment of the week... well, we had a man open the door with only only his boxers on. Eh, I started sharing the gospel anyways. We asked if we could pray with him and teach him more. His response, "right now really isn't a good time. I'm in my underware." Yes, I realize this. I wanted to say, well we could wait while you put on some pants. But oh well. I don't remember our response, but... we gave away three Book of Mormons right afterwards. That was really cool. BTW, just a reminder, we study from both The Bible and The Book of Mormon. Just want to make sure you know that.

So on better news, we had three investigators at church today!! This is our record thus far in Gulfport A! One was a man that was a referral from a member in the stake. We don't know who referred him and we just had a name, address and phone number. We almost gave up on contacting him, but found he was Deaf! So we left one more note. He texted us! Came to the ASL class, came to church and is meeting with us twice this week. It was so awesome! Its such beautiful timing too. We have a good number of consistent individuals that come to our weekly ASL class and we have a deaf woman in the Branch. God is so amazing. Plus, I am really being pushed to work on my ASL skills even more! Wow. Such a blessing. 

One of the other amazing experiences this week was with one of our baptismal dates (btw, his soon-to-be wife just set her own baptismal date!). We met with him last night and he just raved about how the gospel made him so happy and how he was so excited to be baptized. How awesome is that?! Guess what?! The gospel does make people happy! Its so wonderful! I love it! He is so excited for the temple and for the Celestial Kingdom and he wants to do everything he can to get himself there. Yes indeed, the work is beautiful and I love it!

I love this work. I LOVE THIS AREA! I was a little worried coming to Gulfport. I had heard this and that, but I was determined to work my hardest and serve the people my best. Heavenly Father has worked miracles since Sister Bush and I have been here. It was so humbling yesterday to have three investigators at church, two who had never been in an LDS building before. Our Deaf guy, and one that was found through peace and blessings. It was beautiful to see two women who had taught with us recently bear their testimony, one on how much she appreciated teaching with us. It was beautiful that people came up and talked to our investigators and made them feel welcome. The work is moving forward. Neither myself or Sister Bush are perfect, but we are striving. God is rewarding us so sweetly. I am just so grateful. I feel like we have tapped into a greater power here and more miracles than I have ever before seen. Sister Bush and I are working so hard and our unity brings us power. The adversary tries really hard to break it up (like last night), but when that happens, we pray, we talk, we pray, we ask for repentance as a companionship, we forgive each other, we trust in God's forgiveness. It has honestly been an amazing experience. I love Gulfport A so much. I love the mission so much. God is so good. 

Your invitation for the week is to write down a talent you have, and pray and ask God how you can use it to share the gospel!

I love you all! 

Love, Sister Jenkins

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