
What a week!

I am always grateful (well, usually grateful) for being busy, especially if it is the fun-kind! The last week has been full of all types of glorious funness.

Thursday. Superhero murder mystery dinner. I was "Shiver."

Friday, rock climbing. Yay for Quarry pass!

Saturday, zoo. Meerkats snuggling.

Llama!! I love llamas.

Getting attacked by a spider.

Conquering the spider. If only I could do that in my spider nightmares.

Rob getting eaten by a crocodile.

And hatching from an egg. I imagine he is a turtle at heart ;)

Drinking from the coolest fountain in Utah!

Had to get this classic picture.

Saturday, also Albany branch reunion. You guys are great!

Sunday, made successful cheesecake.

Monday, ate the cheesecake at a ward bbq.

Monday, pudding fight for FHE. Awesome.

Yay for summertime and the ability to do fun stuff in order to appreciate how awesome life truly is. Thank you to all my friends for everything :) You all are truly amazing.

1 comment:

  1. Boy, you have been busy to not get the last 2 weeks up here. Life is fun from sexy Shiver Girl to Chocopudding girl. You have so many roles to play: first a daughter, then an aunt, then a friend, then a student. Next will be a fulltime missionary, then a wife, then a mother and then a grandmother. I left out churchworker which has been a big part of you.


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