
The Errand of Angels: Week 10 PIZZA CHALLENGE WINNER

Hello Everyone!

Oh how I love the Lord! As a missionary I am supposed to "love the Lord and serve him the very best that I can." This is what I am striving to do every day of my mission.

So today I am sick at my own fault. Pride. Oh the Jenkins' pride. It runs deep. Real deep. Deep like 4 lbs of pizza deep.

There is this pizza challenge where three people eat a 28" pizza with 5 toppings in 60 minutes. Obviously I wouldn't stand for the Elders telling me I couldn't do it. So I did it. Well, I had two crusts left and a little piece of pizza. I gave up trying to pound it down as quickly when one of the Elders had to step out 3/4 of the way through his second slice. I almost finished though. See attached picture for the "before" pizza picture. Anyways, I will push through the pain to share the gospel today!

Oh and btw, all the missionaries and the pizza place owners were very impressed with me. Mission accomplished. Pretty sure I will now be extremely humbled and learn my lesson from the sickness. Already wondering if my pride was worth it... Well, at least it was fun!

It makes me sick just looking at this. Blek. Those are my little crusts. Truly not very much left. The other slice in the picture isn't mine.
Anyways, what a different week this has been since last week. Wow! Our companionship started out right this week and it helped magnify the Spirit. It was awesome to get home and know that we spent the day following the promptings of the Holy Ghost to know where to go, what to do and what to say. Wow. Our week wasn't perfect, but there were many days where that was the case. Third week in a row with 30+ lessons. This week was great though, because there were days when we had hardly any lessons but we knew we were spending the time exactly as we needed to. What a blessing!

Some highlights of the week:

We have four investigators who have now said that they are going to read The Book of Mormon and pray about it. All of them were already reading but had chosen not to pray previously. We are so excited to hear the results from their prayers!

We had an appointment fall through this week, which meant we had a little extra time for an appointment that we had before it that we knew we were going to have to start late. We were planning on teaching about the Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ with a less active family. Well, the 15-year old son had a friend who was there so we taught all of them. The Spirit was very strong and everyone was involved in the lesson. The friend was hanging on to every word of the First Vision. The friend felt like the Restoration was "heartwarming." We explained this was the Spirit. He said he would read The Book of Mormon, pray about it, and possibly invite his family to take the discussions - he wants them to. Another blessing of having a lesson fall through.

We were heading to another appointment that I was quite nervous about. This was the second visit and on the first visit the person had tried to "Bible bash" a little... essentially share scriptures they thought disproved our message. Which they didn't. We believe in the Bible and the gospel of Jesus Christ on earth today is the same gospel that existed in His day. Anyways, while travelling there Sister Foster felt like we should talk about eternal families and The Family: A Proclamation to the World (http://www.lds.org/topics/family-proclamation?lang=eng) instead - what an inspired change! I felt great about the change and the lesson went marvelous. The person even shared that they now better understood scriptures from the Bible about the family and did believe that family relationships could be eternal (which previously they did not believe it). The Spirit was really strong. I am so grateful for promptings of the Spirit and for Sister Foster who is willing to act on them!

Sister Foster is really awesome. I truly do love her and she is great. I am so grateful we have each other and the Spirit to help teach others.

I know that families can be together forever! Marriage can last beyond the grave. I really know that to be true. We have this available to us because of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Speaking of families, my niece, Morgan Irons, is awesome: http://www.lds.org/church/news/an-incredible-young-lady-wins-national-scholarship?lang=eng (FYI, so are all my other nieces and nephews).
What will a Harry Potter wand do in the hands of a Mormon?

With Valentine's Day coming up, I want you to think what you can do to show your love for the Lord more. http://www.lds.org/scriptures/dc-testament/dc/4?lang=eng

FYI, here is a video of my Mission President: http://mormon.org/bruce/

Have an excellent week!!!

Sister Jenkins

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