
The Errand of Angels: Week 9 Their testimonies strengthened me as a missionary.

Hello Everyone!

So guess what is so cool?! Elder Neil A. Anderson will be presiding at our Stake (no not a wooden stake and no not a delicious slab of meat... a Stake consists of multiple congregations) Conference at the end of March :) It will be wonderful to have an Apostle at our church meetings. Our current Stake President is going to be a mission president soon, so we will get a new one. So cool! I feel so blessed!

I feel like Sacrament Meeting yesterday was for me and Sister Foster. We had 20 people bear their testimonies during the time and all were so powerful and perfect for missionary work (and for comforting me). During the Sacrament I was praying so hard for one of our investigators who didn't make it to church (don't worry, its not the 13-year old... he is rock solid for his upcoming baptism). Side note, I don't think I have ever prayed so much or so hard for others as I have on my mission, except when Dad was going to get his heart surgery. Wow, praying for others' eternity with such fervent effort is amazing. I feel so blessed for this opportunity. Anyways, so I was praying for this investigator and honestly quite tearful just desiring her to come unto the beauty of the gospel. Then Sacrament Meeting testimonies hit and I was blown away with how many people I have had the opportunity to touch or other missionaries to have the opportunity to touch. I may not be able to fully understand the extent of how my work will affect those I teach, but I know it will be tremendous.

We had a couple less actives bear their testimonies and one hasn't done so since she was 17 and now she is almost 50. Her testimony was beautiful and I could not be more proud of her.

Here are some of my favorite quotes from the meeting:

"Grace and truth are my friends"

"I attend church alone, but I am not alone" (she is the only member in her family)

"With the Lord I can do hard things" (coming from a woman who has experienced many health issues, but is still standing firm in the faith)

"Do all you can to stand"

"How do you ever learn if you don't let go of the walls?" (question his daughter asked him while they were at a skating rink for her birthday)

"I am mortal and learning each and every day"

"If you seek the love you will feel it"

Many people shared their stories of the missionaries finding them and joining the Church. One man and his wife prayed to find the true church and the next day the missionaries knocked on his door. He said he was a tough nut to crack, but he had now been a member for many, many years.

One other great quote from the day, "Act as a honeybee and look for the sweet in the thorniest of bushes." This was mentioned as we discussed how our words can have power to affect others and so we need to choose to present our words in a loving and supportive way.

I am so grateful to be a missionary.

Also, I am so grateful for all the life experiences that prepared me for now and to relate to people. It makes me wonder if I had any life experiences to NOT help me on my mission, but for other times. I have been truly blessed to be able to relate to so many and have something to talk about with almost everyone. I am sooooo grateful that God has been preparing me my entire life up until now to serve a mission. I have no doubts this is where He wants me to be. I am so grateful that I realized this was God's will and followed the prompting to serve. I will never regret this decision. There is no place than I rather be at the front of the battle field fighting for the eternal salvation of the souls of men! My mission is already going by way too fast.

So, to add to all the other testimonies born in Sacrament Meeting. I know that God is our loving Heavenly Father. I know that the Gospel blesses families. I know that God answers prayers. God has answered my prayers and because of this I know that the Bible is the word of God as far as it is translated correctly. I know that The Book of Mormon is the word of God as well. I know that we having a living prophet who directs the Church today. And I know that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is once again on earth in its fullness preparatory to the second coming of the Savior.

FYI, we beat 30 lessons this week. 31. Woo! Twas Awesome.

The biggest challenge we face is working with people that don't have an open heart when they read The Bible, The Book of Mormon or pray. They confess to know God and to want to come closer to Him, but then refuse to take the steps that can bring guidance to their lives and help them know for themselves that our message is true. When you have questions about the truth, invite the Holy Ghost into your life by prayer and study of the scriptures with an open heart, willing to act on the answer you receive. God will answer your prayers. He may not answer in the time or manner you expect, but He will answer (James 1:5 and Moroni 10:3-5).

My challenge this week: Share a truth you know to be true with someone else. Maybe that Jesus Christ is your Savior. That Heavenly Father loves everyone on earth. As you do this, especially about the Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The Holy Ghost will testify that it is true. You can change someone's life, even if it is a family member or a person you are passing on the street. You can and should pray for strength and inspiration. Heavenly Father will bless you with those. Hesitant about doing this? Here are great suggestions for being a missionary yourself: http://www.lds.org/liahona/2013/02/a-word-for-the-hesitant-missionary

Enjoy the picture of the gator sign we found :)
Have a great week! 

Sister Jenkins

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