
The Errand of Angels: Week 39: Half-Way and Froggies!

Hello Everyone!

Wow, God is amazing. Christ completely understands. He knows us. He loves us. 

Funny of the Week: So we stopped last night near our mailbox for me to put a letter in. Sister Sliger said, "don't ask any questions," and then just jumps out of the car and runs onto the grass and starts running in circles... chasing frogs. We have massive frogs in our area. They are so cute!! So, obviously, I joined her. Probably not the best representation of missionaries running around chasing frogs. BUT we caught them! And took pictures!! Heavenly Father knows us and how much I would love to see froggies. He is so good!

Study Subject of the Week: 

Well, there were lots. It was one of those weeks :) A talk that we used a lot was "Forget Me Not" by President Uchtdorf (http://www.lds.org/broadcasts/article/general-relief-society-meeting/2011/09/forget-me-not?lang=eng). We used this when teaching how God is our loving Heavenly Father and why His gospel is important to us.

The quote that stands out is: "Sisters, wherever you are, whatever your circumstances may be, you are not forgotten. No matter how dark your days may seem, no matter how insignificant you may feel, no matter how overshadowed you think you may be, your Heavenly Father has not forgotten you. In fact, He loves you with an infinite love." 

I know this is true!!

I also read about the responsibility we have from God to take the gospel to others. We have the gospel, we see the blessings in our life, but there are billions of people who go to sleep without that. It was our responsibility to share our joy with others. To share the reason for our rejoicings! See Ezekial 33:2-9 (http://www.lds.org/scriptures/ot/ezek/33?lang=eng).

Tender Mercies/Miracles of the Week: 

We attempted to give away 40 copies of The Book of Mormon this week. We gave away  31. We prayed and prayed to find people. We found them on our way home from the gym, sitting on stairways, etc. People everywhere are prepared. It was so beautiful. 

Sister Cusick (our mission president's wife) taught a lesson with us this week. She was amazing and gave one of the most heartfelt testimonies about why she is on a mission and why this is important. She reflected charity for the person we were teaching in her testimony. I want to learn to have that power as well.

Well, we prayed for food this week because we were poor and we ended with five meal appointments (four unplanned), and receiving a other food from people. It was so amazing!
We went though a list of "unknown" members of our congregation. Everyone but one didn't live there anymore. But one did. And he wants to come back. It is all worth it!

 My new friend and I! I decided to not kiss him A. because I am a missionary, B. Yeah...

We had lots of wonderful appointments! So many beautiful experiences. People are changing their lives to come closer to Christ. I am so grateful to be part of this.

Invitation: Try to make someone's day this week. 1. Share your testimony with them about what makes you happy, and/or 2. Just talk to them. and let them know how important they are to God.

I know that this is the fullness of Christ's gospel and we become happier as we follow Him and His teachings!  Have a wonderful day!

Sister Jenkins

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