
Week 38: Shaking an Apostle's Hand and Nine New Investigators

Hi Everyone!

Greetings from the mission!

Transfer Information:

So… I am sure you are all wondering, “where in the Florida Tampa Mission is Sister Jenkins?” Well, the mystery is over! I am serving in Seffner B with Sister Sliger J I am living in Tampa again but am in the Brandon stake.

Sister Sliger and I for her birthday.

So a couple facts about the area: 1. Seffner has sink holes. A lot of them. 2. Seffner is a ward. 3. We have a family history center in our church building (that is a first for me). 4. We have three sets of missionaries in our ward. 5. One of the missionaries that I took over Gulfport A for is our District Leader. His companion also served in my last zone. 6. We have a washer and dryer in our apartment for the first time on my mission. 7. We have carpet! Gulfport didn’t have carpet, and I sure have missed it. 8. We have a gym!! Guess who is now running every morning on that treadmill and working her arms like crazy on the machines? I truly love our complex :)

Funny of the Week:

We saw a man walking with a lizard on his head. Yup, it was great. Took a picture. Hopefully it turned out.

Study Subject of the Week: Faith and Giving full heart, might, mind, and strength.

So I have been wondering how do I give it all to God? I want to become like Christ and our Father in Heaven, but how? I want to give my full heart, but how? I want to have my will be God's, but how? President Cusick had us read an excellent talk. I read it before my mission as well, but it was wonderful to have an opportunity to read it again. I encourage each of you to read it with your family, or personally, if you don't have one yet. Even though it is entitled, "The Fourth Missionary," it can apply to every day life as well.

Basically to give our will to God, we need to be willing. To be willing we need to have faith.

Elder Christofferson spoke in our Stake Conference this weekend. (I know, perfect timing for transfers!). He talked about faith and how it is a blessing of  obedience. In Helaman 3 (http://www.lds.org/scriptures/bofm/hel/3?lang=eng) it talks about how the people were obedient, and they had faith, and prayed, and tens of thousands were baptized and their leaders were astonished.

Growing hurts, but it is worth it! In Jacob 5:64-77 (http://www.lds.org/scriptures/bofm/jacob/5?lang=eng) It talks about how Christ wants to perserve the natural branches to Himself. Naturally we are all good. We are sons and daughters of God. But sometimes we have evil fruit and branches that cumber our tree. They cannot be removed all at once or else the tree wouldn't be able to handle it. They are removed a little bit at a time as the good is brought in bit by bit. It takes diligence, but it is worth it. Sister Bush had that great insight a couple weeks ago.

Tender Mercy/Miracle of the Week:

Wow! I don't even know where to start. So Elder Christofferson (one of the 12 Apostles on earth today) came and spake at our stake conference. I don't know why, but he did. I'm not complaining. We also had Elder Parker (from the Quorum of the 70). Yesterday he came right to our row and shook our hands (and said my name!) and shook the hands of an investigator we had there and two recent converts. It was great! Our investigator loved the talks and plans to come to church every week, oh, and is planning on getting baptized soon. Yeah, it was a great week!

Other Highlights of the Week:

We are just talking with everyone and bearing testimony and inviting! We were blessed with 9 new investigators this week. There were two families. We found them all sorts of ways. My favorite though, was just last night. A member texted us that he felt prompted for us to stop by a house on his walking route. We asked him if he could come. He said that he had plans. We didn't respond. About 15-30 minutes later the Spirit had worked on him enough for him to text us and say that he could meet us there. He did. He had never actually met the family before. But he introduced himself and us at the door. They let us in. They were very receptive. We ended the lesson with the mom in tears for feeling the Spirit. It was so cool! We found another investigator right outside their door (he was just walking to his sister's house). Yup, the work is hastening and even faster and members get involved.

So, guess who made our programs for Stake Conference? Press Media out of Provo, Utah. That was a nice little tender mercy to see :)

It was just an awesome week! Here are some highlights from stake conference:

-It was said that the missionaries in each ward should be getting 100 referrals a month from the members. 100, not under 10... and even that is lucky. So, guess what members? Go to work!

-Satan wants us to keep our mouth shut from doing missionary work.

-If we express thanks, God will give us more (we have been trying that this week and its been helping us so much!). Especially more of the Spirit.

-All Bishop positions are reviewed by the First Presidency. Trust in your Bishop and their calling.

-Don't have time to list all the things, but Elder Christofferson basically gave our stake a blessing by the authority he holds. It was cool!

Invitation: Refer a friend to the missionaries today. Do not delay. Share your testimony with someone today. It is not up to you to judge who is prepared and who isn't. It is your responsibility to invite. After that God will do the rest.

I know that this is Christ's true church. I know that He directs it. I know that the prophets and apostles today are called by God and hold the Priesthood authority.

I know The Book of Mormon is the word of God. I know the Bible is too. I know we are God's children and that He loves us.

Keep up the great work!

Sweet goodbyes :)

Sister Jenkins

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