
The Errand of Angels: Week 31 Transfer Update and Please, Come to Church! We love you!

Hello Everyone!
GUESS WHAT?! I am the official owner of a Jenkins' mission laundry bag!! Could I be happier?! Probably NOT! All I can say is Thank you!! I absolutely LOVED what each family did. Wow, it was so so so so special!! 

Funny of the Week: We met our new Mission President this week! President Cusick! Funny, right?! Haha. Just kidding. But on the way travelling to the meeting was marvelous!! We carpooled to the meeting because it was about 30 minutes away. The two cars of Elders left Sister Bush and I while we waited for the the Hermanas to arrive. They arrived... maybe 5 minutes or so later... I don't know. Anyways, we caught up to a car of the Elders around 20 minutes into the drive. As we passed them they had the most amazing SHOCKED faces ever. Ah, it was marvelous indeed. Obviously, they couldn't let us beat them, so they stayed ahead of us until we got a couple minutes away from the church. Well, I decided to be sneaky and try for luck. I used to serve in the area where we were going (Carrollwood) so I turned a street early, went a back way that intersected the other road. Luck was on our side and our light was green while theirs was red (they were the first car waiting for it). Because of that we beat them to the church building by about a minute. And we beat the other car of Elders as well. Sweet was the victory!
Talk of the Week: While on my mission I have felt an amazing connection to my pioneer ancestors and others who have crossed the plains. I have been so touched by their amazing examples and have felt the strongest appreciation for what they did - facing mobs, rebuilding homes in the different cities they had to escape to, burying loved ones, living on little food. These people are amazing. We can also live for Christ today? What are you willing to sacrifice for the "cause of Christians"? (Alma 48:10 http://www.lds.org/scriptures/bofm/alma/48.10?lang=eng#9). The talk I would like to share this week is "The World Needs Pioneers Today" from the most recent Ensign. Read it Today:http://www.lds.org/liahona/2013/07/the-world-needs-pioneers-today?cid=HPL1P01W01022&lang=eng
Tender Mercy/Miracle of the Week: Wow, we had a lot. How to choose... Let's go with Christine. Christine is a member referral. We have been teaching her with her member friend. She is so prepared. In fact, after about two weeks of teaching her, she is getting baptized this Sunday. Members, refer your friends! They are so prepared! She is amazing and as our missionary leaders dubbed her "an angel." Good job for sharing the gospel!

Other Highlights of the Week: We had four investigators and their children at church on Sunday! (and another non-member). Wow! Sister Bush and I have been trying so very hard to help people come to church and it has been a struggle. The last couple weeks have been amazing and this week was just so beautiful. Almost all of our baptismal dates were there (all but one!). It was so exciting! The work is rapidly moving forward!
You know, I just want to highlight this family we are teaching. Both of the parents have a baptismal date and then they have two children. They have come to church the last two Sundays and four church activities in the last two weeks (YAY for all the church activities!!.. Good job, Gulfport!!). Not only did they come to church and the church activities, but they stayed regardless of whether or not people were talking to them, two of the activities were fundraisers (one for a soon-to-be missionary and one for girls' camp) and they donated quite a bit to these, they invited their neighbors to the activities (and they came!!!) plus the wife is willing to walk all the way to the street to smoke during all of this. So many people could use smoking as an excuse. "I can't wait three hours to smoke so I'm just going to stay home" or "people at church may judge me if they smell smoke." Yes, smoking is a sin, BUT look at what she is doing to try and overcome it? She is going to church and staying. She has work to do, as do we all, but she is putting forth the effort. Oh, did I mention she has requested multiple Priesthood blessings and they read their scriptures almost every day?No matter where you are, come. Come to church. Do not worry about being perfect to come, just come. God wants you  there, we want you there. The church is for every person and will help you move forward and become better.
Sister Bush and I have really been striving to save money. Food is necessary but sometimes a costly expense. We had bags and bags and bags of food donated to us today. We couldn't help but thank God for the wonderful tender mercy that was.
There are way too many to share. Wow! God has blessed us so!!
Transfer Update: Okay, okay, the moment you have all been waiting for... drum roll, please!... Sister Bush and I are staying in Gulfport A and training a new sister together! Woo! I have never served in a trio, but am very excited! Plus, I am so excited to be training with Sister Bush. She is AMAZING and I just feel so blessed. This is going to be an excellent transfer!!

 Happy Birthday Breakfast for Sister Bush

Invitation: Go to church. If you are already going to church, invite someone to come that hasn't for a while. If you don't know who to invite, pray about it. When you go to church, try sitting by people you don't know or seem new, and try to talk to those who don't seem to have a friend. Your influence WILL make a difference.
I love you all! I know that this is Christ's church and the fullness of His gospel. I know He lives. I know that the Bible is the word of God. I know The Book of Mormon is the word of God. I know families can be together forever because of restored ordinances available in temples. I know we have a prophet of God on earth again today! If you have any questions, please visit mormon.org.
I love you all!!!
Sister Jenkins :) 

1 comment:

  1. Sister Jenkins!
    My hubby and I are driving in Florida RIGHT NOW!! We are doing a missionary memory trip for him since he served in Tampa. If you get this message and can meet up in your P-day please let me know :) just email me (erinfarnes@gmail.com) Gulfport is lucky to have such amazing sisters!!


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