
The Errand of Angels; Week 35 Talking with Everyone and a Brush with Fame

Hello Everyone!

Thank you all for your birthday wishes! I had a very enjoyable birthday! Actually probably one of my best, if not my best, because I got to teach people the gospel of Jesus Christ on my birthday. Wow, I sure do love being a missionary!

Funny of the Week: You know... I don't know... I had a blast on my birthday, which was a "FUN" for the week. We also went to the Ray's baseball game for "Mormon Night," which was also a "FUN" for the week. 

Talk of the Week: "Come, All Ye Sons of God" by President Monson. This talk discusses the importance of stepping up and doing your duty. It is your duty to help others and become like Christ. You have the freedom of choice (agency), and the responsibility to choose to put God first. One of my favorite quotes for helping us with the duty to choose correctly, share the gospel, and become a disciple of Christ: "May I suggest a formula that will ensure our success: first, search the scriptures with diligence; second, plan your life with purpose(and, I might add, plan your life regardless of your age); third, teach the truth with testimony; and fourth, serve the Lord with love." Here is the talk: http://www.lds.org/general-conference/2013/04/come-all-ye-sons-of-god?lang=eng

One other talk that stood out to me is, "Your Sacred Duty to Minister," from Elder Beck. The fullness of God's priesthood power is on earth again today. I testify that that is true. For those who hold the priesthood and for those who support the priesthood (so, basically everyone). You have a responsibility to minister to others. This is a sacred duty and God will hold you accountable for how you have used it. Have faith that God will qualify you. He WILL. Move forward with that faith. "Minister every day. Opportunities are all around you. Look for them. Ask the Lord to help you recognize them. You will find that most consist of small, sincere acts that help others become followers of Jesus Christ. As you strive to be worthy of the Spirit, you will recognize thoughts and feelings prompting you to minister. As you act on these promptings, you will receive more of them and your opportunities and ability to minister will increase and expand." I know that God will help you see those opportunities and will help you know what to say when they come. http://www.lds.org/general-conference/2013/04/your-sacred-duty-to-minister?lang=eng

Tender Mercy/Miracle of the Week: On Friday we had a member go with us to a couple lessons... well, it ended up being five lessons. The sister that came is so awesome! She teaches with us whenever we have the car and whenever her health will allow. During the first lesson of the day we had two different sisters with us. It was with Betty, who by the way, finally committed to a baptismal date of August 17!! We are so excited for  her! She was a really strong member of her other church and she is still going to be friends with all of those, but she just says she can't deny something higher. She knows this is higher. She wants to go higher.

Anyways, we ended up having five lessons with the sister that came with us. Two of them ended up being at one of out favorite restaurants that we stopped by to use the bathroom. There was this huge downtime and we were the only ones there. We were able to teach the owner the first lesson. She is open to learning more and wants to. Someone walked in at the end of our lesson and sat down with us and started asking questions about the church (the owner had to get up to help this person with food). Then a swarm of people came in so we weren't able to talk to the owner anymore. The man's name who sat down with us is Malachi. He was so open to the gospel and really wanted another Book of Mormon (because he lost his). He felt the power of the message about the fullness of Christ's gospel. We enjoyed sharing some scriptures from Malachi about how important temples are :) (Malachi 4:5-6 http://www.lds.org/scriptures/ot/mal/4.5-6?lang=eng)

Both the owner and Malachi are in the Gulfport Elders' area, but that's okay! We were happy to refer them!

Other Highlights of the Week: Well, I already mentioned it, but Betty has committed to  be baptized! She is excited! She committed in a lesson with another member there who was so bold in asking her that if she knew this was true, why wasn't she getting baptized. Wowee. It was cool. The Spirit was super strong.

So, I am an old woman now! Well, at least compared to the Elders :) Haha. My birthday was fantastic thanks to my companions and members! Sister Bush made waffles for breakfast :), my companions let us go on a longer run, My district got me a cake and took us out to lunch at Kissin' Cuzzins (best southern restaurant around!), plus they paid for my companionship, We split up and taught with members, which was awesome (our branch sisters are so great!!), We had dinner with the Sloat family who got me a cake and my companions a cake, We made dinner for them actually, which was fun! (salmon chowder), and then I taught the young women ASL and we had a lesson with Barry. Good day or what!! Oh, and I got lots of fantastic gifts and letters! I really appreciated the practical things that Mom and Dad got me... I REALLY needed those.

On Saturday we got to go the Ray's baseball game for "Mormon Night." I was thankfully picked for a missionary choir (30 Elders and 15 Sisters) that sang the "National Anthem." That was really cool! But can I tell you something that was much cooler?! So before the game we had some down time (which I really don't like as a missionary)... And so, we really tried to make the most of it. We kind of semi-split up into two companionships because we had an extra Sister with us. We had the opportunity to give a Book of Mormon away to the lady that helped us at the Ray's stadium (she said that she will hear a message. She has had exceptional experiences it the past with missionaries in Chicago), we gave away another Book of Mormon to a family at Subway, plus we gave away lots of pass along cards and even found a less active. I was so grateful for the opportunity to get referrals for the Gulfport Elders. I just love sharing the gospel. In a very non-vain way, I really hope that other missionaries saw so they would do the same. We saw lots of people with Mormon.org cards so I am sure they were doing that! :)

Church yesterday was awesome! We are definitely getting to the point where members WANT to do the work. Fast and testimony meeting yesterday was phenomenal. One sister got up and bore her testimony saying that if this is true, which it is, why wouldn't you share it with everyone you know. We also had a returning member who recently came back from 20 years of inactivity and a recent convert, Barry, bear their testimonies. The Spirit was so powerful. I really think member referrals are going to explode soon! I am so excited for it! Plus, the sisters are being so, so, so supportive of us and the recent converts, plus some of the brothers are as well. I am grateful for this area!

Invitation: Will you go teach with the missionaries this week? Your testimonies have so much power! Please, please do!

I know that this is the fullness of Christ's gospel and we become happier as we follow Him and His teachings! Have a wonderful day!

Sister Jenkins

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