
Why did I start blogging?

People choose to blog for many different, and sometimes obscure, reasons. Some people blog to share the story of their engagement, wedding, and married life. Many people blog to share funny experiences or to voice opinions not acceptable in other environments. Even though each person's reason for blogging is unique, they all share one simple quality - they feel like they have something to say that will be of worth to others.

My reason for blogging is for that same purpose. I believe I have something to say will be of worth unto others. I feel that I have been very blessed in my life, hence where the title of my blog came from. I hope my experiences and opinions shared here can bring a smile to someone's day, comfort a saddened soul, or even mend a broken heart.

Please know that my posts are not meant to cause offense in anyway.

1 comment:

  1. Everyone can post their own blessings on here as well :)


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