
The Debate: Freshman Verses Junior

School started for me on Monday. I have already had a couple hours of homework.

School started for Curtis last week. He just barely started getting homework.

The debate? Which is better:

Being a Junior and only having 40 credits or so left in your degree, but dying with homework from taking all 3000 and 4000 level classes.


Being a Freshman with still many, many credits to go, but less homework and easier classes, and therefore more free time.

Honestly, I really like my major and Curtis's accounting, economics and math classes seem a lot harder than my Deaf studies classes...

And I do have only 40 credits or so left, which is really nice. And, I know most my professors really well and therefore they tend to be more lenient with schedules.

The decision: My situation is better.

I am grateful to be where I am in school, but do miss the good 'ol days. Good luck to Curtis (your classes are a lot harder than I made them out to be in this post) and good luck to everyone who just started a new semester!

Although, a note to leave on... with the world ending on December 21 this year, according to the Mayans, you really don't need to get THAT good of grades because you probably won't graduate before doomsday happens ;)

Haha. Just kidding. Study hard, sleep lots, eat healthy, have fun with what time you have left!

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