
Bubble Wrap Decorations

Yesterday I spent the evening with my brother's family. I had a great time eating dinner with them, talking about my mission and playing around.

Here are a couple highlights from the night (number three is my favorite):

1. I was giving my brother's family a lesson about missionary work (because I am going on a mission in two weeks). I asked my 6-year old niece a question:

Me: "Rachel, what do missionaries do?"

Rachel: "Teach people."

Me: "What do missionaries teach people?"

Rachel: "The gospel."

Man, she is a smart cookie. I was very impressed that she knew what missionaries did and described what I teach as the "gospel." Maybe I just need to be around more 6-year olds, but great job, Rachel! I would add though, "the gospel of Jesus Christ."

2. While we were continuing our lesson, my 2 or 3-year old nephew slipped out of the room. Later he came back with an oven mitt on covered in chocolate and chocolate covering his mouth. Guess who got into the freshly baked brownies :)

3. So my brother's family just moved into a new house and therefore my sister-in-law has been unpacking pictures and hanging them on the wall. My niece, Rachel, wanted to decorate her room as well, and all by herself. Here are the decorations:

Cute drawings

Her and her best friend

Bubble wrap?

More bubble wrap...

Bubble wrap in the closet...

Bubble wrap on her toy box
I counted a total of six pieces of bubble wrap in her room. She then showed  me how entertaining it was to pop the bubbles :) Man, she is so cute and creative. Who would've thought decorating could be so easy and cheap!

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