
Spirit of Thanksgiving: Week 4

Well, I am almost a missionary, so here are my remaining daily "thanksgivings" for the month:

Nov 23: I am thankful to be all ready to move my stuff to storage! 

Nov 24: grateful for those days when I get hardly any sleep the night before but still have lots of energy when I need it.

Nov 24: I am grateful for knowing great guys who volunteered a couple hours to help me move my stuff to storage. They not only packed the truck but also unpacked. Thank you so much!

Nov 25: I am grateful for my current ward (church congregation) and past wards and branches I have been in. I feel like I was in each of them at a certain point in my life when I needed those friends and associates. My current ward has been such a support for me through the last year and a half, and I appreciate all of their love and examples. I really have been so blessed by all of you! Thank you to those in past wards and branches as well. I appreciate all of your examples! I know so many wonderful, righteous, and absolutely loving and serviceable people!!

Nov 26: I am grateful for being short. You may not believe this, but there are many benefits... I can sleep comfortably on most couches, I can more easily find skirts and dresses that are modest and long enough, it is socially acceptable for me to date most men because they are taller than me, I have lots of leg room in airplane seats, etc. Life isn't too bad for a short person, but obviously there are benefits to both sides of things.

Nov 26: I am also grateful I already own so many bike accessories because I just saved myself about $100 for my required mission bike and accessories. So awesome!

Nov 28: I am grateful for my parents who are handling all my affairs when I'm gone (blog posting, taxes, registering for classes).

Nov 29: I am grateful to have a roof over my head, shoes on my feet, and enough food to eat.

Nov 30: I am so grateful for the opportunity I have had to think about what I'm grateful for everyday. I am so blessed and as I've been recording my gratitude, I've noticed so many more blessings.

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