
Spirit of Thanksgiving: Week 2

I am way behind on posting what I have been grateful for on my blog (luckily I have kept up on Facebook). Here you go:

Nov. 8: I am grateful for my co-workers, especially our company's management team. I am so excited for their drive to help our company's vision move forward, and I have no doubt in their ability to find succes!

Nov. 9: I am grateful for snow. What a beautiful day! Oh, and I'm grateful for car scrapers... So glad I finally invested in one a couple years ago so I could stop using my school id as a substitute.

Nov. 10: I am grateful for the opportunity I have to live so close to so many LDS temples. I am also grateful for the peace I feel in my life as I attend the temple regularly.

Nov. 11: I am grateful for indoor plumbing, and right now especially dishwashers and kitchen sinks. Right now our dishwasher and sink is unusable. It's funny how being without something so basic makes you realize how great your life is. AND I am also so grateful to the troops that protect our country and am proud of my family members serving in the military and am grateful for them and their family's sacrifices.

Nov. 12: I am grateful for alarm clocks (or alarms on phones). I am unsure how I could manage my life without them :)

Nov. 13: I am grateful for my siblings. Even though they are much older than me, we are all so close. They are always very supportive and loving and just truly amazing.

I am grateful for the opportunity I have to be grateful!

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